BE - December 2024 Newsletter

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The year has come and gone, and not without it's challenges. As part of the Labour Movement, we are constant in our collective fight for workers' rights, equity and social justice. Coming from different walks of life and unique experiences - our diversity is what makes our movement and communities stronger. 

During a time when it can be difficult to see what direction change is taking place, we continued to see the determination of our movement to work on a just society for all. We recognized and celebrated the work being done in human and Indigenous rights at the Bromley L. Armstrong Awards Gala, local unions raised funds for United Way Greater Toronto to help 300 community agencies across the GTA , and we saw Labour Community Advocates graduate their training program to be central points for essential resources within their workplaces and communities - just to name a few.

As part of  the Yes it Matters: Addressing Systemic Racism campaign, the first ever Eyes on the Prize retreat, initiated by the late Carol Wall, took place, where Black labour leaders discussed how support for one another, against anti-Black racism, can be done.

The Refugee Next Door campaign committee reconvened after losing a dear friend and committee member, the late Robin Breon. According to the UNHCR, the number of displaced people around the world had grown from 70.1 million people in 2018, to 122.4 million people by the end of 2023. The committee will be reaching out in the New Year with a couple projects underway. 

We are optimistic that we will continue to come together in 2025 to support one another during our moments of celebration and challenges. We could not have done 2024 without you. Thank you for your hard work, determination and courage to be part of our journey to make a difference each day.

Together, we are the movement.


Labour Community Services

Double your impact

With the Toronto & York Region Labour Council being co-founders of United Way Greater Toronto, we are proud to help fight local poverty and ensure everyone, in every neighbourhood, has everything they need to thrive: food, shelter, good jobs, mental health supports and more. Together, we are empowering community-first solutions to meet urgent and emerging needs and create lasting change.  

Thanks to a generous anonymous donor, all donations to United Way Greater Toronto will be matched dollar-for-dollar before December 31, 2024. During this year's Labour Presidents' United Way Campaign Kick-off Breakfast, we surpassed our single-day event goal of raising more than $40,000 for community. It's not too late to make a donation and double your impact! Learn how to make a donation today...


Spring into the LCAT Program

Start the New Year by becoming a Labour Community Advocate. This 10-week program presented by Labour Community Services in partnership with the Canadian Labour Congress, Toronto & York Region Labour Council and United Way Greater Toronto, trains union members to become referral agents in their workplaces. The program includes topics on social issues faced by working people, communication, interviewing, referral techniques, and resources available in the community to assist fellow union members. Registration for Spring 2025 is now open. Register now...

Get your nominations ready

We'll be launching the Bromley Lloyd Armstrong Award nomination forms on January 13, 2025, as well as opportunities to become a sponsor to attend the gala.

In the meantime, to learn more about Bromley Lloyd Armstrong's work, visit

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