Remembering Carol Wall

BE | September 2023 | Issue No. 4


We remember the late Carol Wall who left a great legacy fighting for social justice and equity within the Labour Movement and community. Carol Wall passed away on April 22, 2023. Her legacy continues on. 

I had the privilege of knowing Sister Carol as part of the Labour Movement and community, and worked closely with her on a campaign to end racism within unions this past year. The impact she made to the Labour Movement, and her fight for anti-racism work, was immeasurable. She whole heartedly dedicated herself to actively making positive change each day, and believed we all could. She spoke from a place of having walked-the-talk. I will miss our extended chats on moving beyond racism and creating a better place where everyone could thrive. Carol was an inspiration and her legacy will live on through us. I will miss her dearly as a friend and a sister. Thank you, Carol, for everything. 

On behalf of the LCS team, our deepest condolences to Carol's family and friends. 


Faduma Mohamed
Executive Director, LCS


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